Religious buildings of the priestless old believers under the tsarist government repressive policy in the Russian empire in the XIX century (on Kharkiv province example).
religious buildings, prayer houses, chapels, Old Believers, priestless Old Believers, ethnoconfessional identity, official Orthodoxy, schism, schismatics, confessional discourse, icons, early printed booksAbstract
Topical focus of modern historiography is the analysis of Old Believers culture, conditions of preservation and transferring to the next generations of ethnic and religious identity. The fundamental component of Old Believers culture is the religious daily life. Places of worship of Old Believers played an important role in the confessional culture of the old faith representatives. The analysis of the policy of the tsarist government and the Orthodox clergy concerning religious buildings of the Old Believers of the Kharkiv province in the XIX century and the role of their chapels in religious everyday life was made.
The article examines the issues of the struggle of the tsarist authorities and the official church with the Old Believers places of worship in the XIX century on the example of the Kharkiv province. The process of closing the houses of worship, the restriction of the Old Believers in the free practice of religious rituals, was analyzed. Such prohibitions should lead to a gradual transition of representatives of Old faith into the official Orthodoxy.
On the basis of an analysis of archival sources introduced into scientific research, the author has examined the opposition of the Old Believers to repression by the authorities, attempts to protect religious buildings and the right to freely practice the rituals, to preserve the traditions of the Old Believers.
In conclusion, the author focuses on the fact that the religious buildings played an important role in the religious daily life of the Old Believers as a place of spiritual consolidation, spiritual development and the educational center of youth. Collective rituals (prayers, sacraments) were the defining element of preserving the confessional identity and relaying it to the next generations. The struggle against the places of worship of the Old Believers was a fundamental element of the repressive policy of the tsarist regime against representatives of this this confession. Closure and gradual destruction of the prayer houses of the Old Believers had to accelerate the transition of the supporters of the old faith into the bosom of the dominant Church.
However, the repression and persecution rallied the Old Believers, who sought various ways of preserving the faith of the fathers, the performance of religious rites in their own chapels.
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