The russians in the ethnic population structure of the South-Eastern Ukraine (based on All-Soviet Union census materials of 1926).


  • Natalya Malyarchuk Донецький державний університет управління


Russians, Ukrainians, South-Eastern Ukraine, urban population, rural population, All-Soviet Union population census of 1926


The article is devoted to the study of the Russian ethnic community of South-Eastern Ukraine quantitative characteristics in 1926 that was before the beginning of industrialization and collectivization, which significantly influenced the ethno and demographic processes in the Ukrainian SSR. Based on the materials’ analysis of the population census in 1926, the number of Russian population in South-Eastern Ukraine, its share in the region population (in rural and urban settlements, in large cities, in separate districts), the accommodation features, the districts where the overwhelming majority of Russians were concentrated have been determined.

The author concludes that in 1926 the absolute majority of the entire Russian population of the republic (both urban and rural) was concentrated in the southeast of the Ukrainian SSR. Russians were the second largest ethnic group in the region (conceding quantitatively only to Ukrainians, who formed the absolute majority here) and the largest national minority. The same position they occupied among the urban and the rural population of South-Eastern Ukraine, with the only difference is that the share of the Russian population in urban settlements was much higher than in rural ones.

The Russians did not constitute the majority among the population in any of the seventeen southeastern districts, quantitatively conceding to the Ukrainians and in the Pervomaisky district to the Jews as well. However, among the urban population of the most developed in the industrial and infrastructural districts (Stalin, Lugansk, Mariupol, Nikolaev, Melitopol and Odessa), as well as among the population of large cities (Dmitrievsk, Stalin, Nikolaev, Odessa, Lugansk, Kherson), Russians accounted for the majority. A significant number of Russians were concentrated in Odessa, Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. In rural areas, in none of the district Russians made up the majority among the population.

The Russian population was unevenly distributed among the southeastern districts of the Ukrainian SSR, since a little more than half of it was concentrated in four districts: Kharkov, Lugansk, Stalin, and Odessa. Almost half of all Russian urban population in the southeast of Ukraine was concentrated in three districts: Kharkov, Stalin and Odessa. In the Lugansk, Kharkov and Melitopol districts there were entire regions where the Russian rural population was living densely.


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History of national minorities in Ukraine