Ethnocultural processes in Donbas in 1920-30-th years.


  • Inna Martinchuk Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса


Donbass, ethnic communities, coronation, ethnic culture, national theater, literary circle


The article deals with the directions of the state national cultural policy in the Donbas in the 1920–30s. The author tries to give a detailed description of the activities of national publishing houses, theaters, theater studios. By the example of the creative intelligentsia, the representatives of ethnic communities, we try to understand the essence of changes in the formation and development of spiritual culture, their positive features and disadvantages, the attitude of the population to such cultural phenomena as national dramaturgy, poetry, theater. However, precisely because cultural phenomena were extremely multifaceted, it is not necessary to talk about exhaustive answers to all questions raised during the course of coronation. That is why the article aims to highlight the cultural processes in the multi-ethnic environment of Donbas in the 20’s and 30’s of the 20th century, as well as the impact of these phenomena on the development of the national consciousness of ethnic groups in the region.

In the course of the study, it was discovered that state structures paid a lot of attention to periodicals of national minorities - newspapers and magazines. As a rule, they played the role of agitation and propaganda among the various ethnic groups of the Soviet way of life in their nature. Therefore, these periodicals were not very popular among different nationalities.

Significant place in the cultural life of different nationalities took theatrical art. In particular, in the early 1920s, theatrical groups of ethnic minorities were created and intensively developed. But the state supported only those theaters that were staged or revolutionary with propaganda or demonstrated on the stage of the achievements of Soviet construction and national politics.

Despite the total control by the Bolshevik Party and state institutions, the active work of the creative centers has led to a significant revival of cultural life, pushing for the revival of manifestations of national culture, the revival of which was interrupted by political repressions and the killing of prominent representatives of the creative elite


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History of national minorities in Ukraine