An analysis of the epistolary heritage of M. S. Hrushevsky (the end of XIX century – 1930s).
epistolary heritage, historical science, M. S. Hrushevsky, repressionsAbstract
Scientific intelligentsia of Ukraine often had to live and work in not the most favorable conditions. But especially they had to feel it during the activation of the Stalinist regime and mass repression. The relevance of the topic lies in the need to study the influence of Michael Hrushevsky on the course of events in Ukraine since the late nineteenth century until the time of activation of the Soviet regime in 1920–1930s to trace the trends of development of Ukrainian science at the time. For the study of everyday life of scientists in these times, as well as to track changes in their daily and sentiments from the end of XIX century, it is logical to use sources of personal origin, in particular, epistolary heritage. The value of this type of sources, in particular, is the ability to consider the problem from the emotion. This is due to certain characteristics of the era of the sources of personal origin is probably the most accurate and informative, in particular, because only in letters to loved ones in spirit and ideas with colleagues (especially in academia) to meet do overt presentation of ideas, to feel a certain freedom, which scientists had hoped to remain in correspondence. In this study, as basic is taken correspondence M. Hrushevsky as one of the most influential figures of the Ukrainian scientific and socio-cultural spheares of life in the period that is investigated. Analysis of the correspondence of this figure makes it possible to trace a more complete picture of the degree of influence of Michael Hrushevsky on the course of events in Ukraine since the late nineteenth century until the time of activation of the Soviet regime in 1920–1930s to trace the trends of development of Ukrainian science at the time. It should be noted that the Ukrainian national idea Michael Hrushevsky supported strongly and firmly, but between the public and the scientific activities he periodically tossed. Sometimes it seems that this man lived with a single purpose – to make every effort and do everything possible to Ukrainian language, culture, literature and science continued its existence and flourishing, no matter what.References
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