Soviet as the own, the other’s, the different: the theoretical approaches.
Soviet identity, Soviet speaking, Soviet chronology, technologies of the self representationAbstract
The aim of the work is an attempt to reveal theoretical approaches, chronological contextualization of the obtaining of Soviet identity, the representation of the historiographical discussion of Soviet identity, and the problem of the difference between the getting / rejection of Soviet identity by Ukrainians compared with the generalized «Soviet people» represented in the researches of historians from different countries.
Jacques Lacan’s concept is useful tool for understanding of the mechanisms of the Soviet identities buildings. This concept of «floating signifiers» and of the three register structure of the selfrepresentation as well as his concept of the complex dual, continuous, mobile symbolic function, which is at the same time the subject of personal choice (action-cognition) and the subject of a social contract (the belief that this symbolic order exists and is necessary) allows to emphasize the mobility, instability of the internalization of the Soviet. At the same time, the Lacanian theory makes it possible to see the complexity of the processes of «forming new people» and to go beyond the logic of coercion and repression, turning to the logic of participation of people in the Soviet experiment, including voluntary participation as the executioners and the victims of the repressive machine.
Historiographical points-discussions on the getting / rejection of Soviet identity in the historical writing of the beginning of the ХХІ century were focused around the ideas of language as the central mechanism for the formation of a «new man/woman», ideology as a complex system of possibilities for self-determination, self-change, but also «dissolution» of the individual in the collective. Researchers also emphasize the differences – the difference between personal experiences, the difference between the historical periods of the Soviet Union and its changing intentions, and the fact that the authoritative Soviet discourse coexisted with other discourses, among which family, traditional and religious (or pseudo-religious) coexisted with discourses of professional, age, gender. In part, these «secondary» discourses were included in the authoritative, partly – existed side by side, in the privacy situations or in the public space.
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